From the Rug Weaver to the Rug Bearer: A Commitment to Responsibility and Sustainability



At Amir Art Collection, we take ethical production seriously. We understand that the well-being of the workers involved in producing our carpets is just as important as the quality of the final product. That's why we only work with trusted production partners who share our commitment to fair wages, safe working conditions, and positive community impact.

At Amir Art Collection, we take ethical production seriously. We understand that the well-being of the workers involved in producing our carpets is just as important as the quality of the final product. That's why we only work with trusted production partners who share our commitment to fair wages, safe working conditions, and positive community impact.



To ensure that our partners are upholding these standards, we conduct regular inspections and include international fair trade standards in our contracts. We are also a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact, which sets guidelines for ethical and sustainable business practices. We take any breaches of these principles very seriously and have a zero-tolerance policy for companies that do not meet our standards.

To ensure that our partners are upholding these standards, we conduct regular inspections and include international fair trade standards in our contracts. We are also a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact, which sets guidelines for ethical and sustainable business practices. We take any breaches of these principles very seriously and have a zero-tolerance policy for companies that do not meet our standards.



In addition to ethical production, we are also focused on reducing our environmental impact. In 2020, we set a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50%. To achieve this, we are working on several fronts, including reducing emissions from transportation by using cargo shipments instead of truck and air freight. We are also collaborating with companies that use low-water yarn to reduce our impact on the environment.

At Amir Art Collection, we believe that the beauty of our carpets starts with the well-being of the people who create them and the planet we all share.

In addition to ethical production, we are also focused on reducing our environmental impact. In 2020, we set a goal to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50%. To achieve this, we are working on several fronts, including reducing emissions from transportation by using cargo shipments instead of truck and air freight. We are also collaborating with companies that use low-water yarn to reduce our impact on the environment.

At Amir Art Collection, we believe that the beauty of our carpets starts with the well-being of the people who create them and the planet we all share.

We are focused on bringing the world's greatest ethically sourced rugs to your homes.