Rediscover the Beauty of Your Rugs: Premium Rug Restoration Services



Indulge in the exquisite world of Amir Art Collection, where customer satisfaction is at the heart of our every endeavour. Beyond the mere sale of antique and modern rugs, we provide a suite of comprehensive services that cater to the diverse needs of our customers.

With years of experience in this field, we pride ourselves on offering a holistic customer experience that covers every aspect of rug ownership. From the restoration of time-honoured tapestries to the exchange of opulent Oriental rugs, our team is well-equipped to guide and assist our clients in all their rug-related needs.

Intricately woven into the fabric of our success is the deep-seated desire to fulfil the needs of our patrons. As we relentlessly strive to meet and exceed their expectations, Amir Art Collection has become synonymous with exceptional quality and unparalleled service.

We recognize that owning high-quality carpets requires diligent maintenance and expert repair. Hence, we extend our expertise in these areas to our clients, ensuring that their carpets are always in top-notch condition. Our team of experienced carpet restorers is ever-ready to cater to the bespoke needs of our patrons, irrespective of their requirements.

At Amir Art Collection, we take immense pride in our unwavering commitment to our clients. With us, every step is a journey towards a flawless rug experience.

Indulge in the exquisite world of Amir Art Collection, where customer satisfaction is at the heart of our every endeavour. Beyond the mere sale of antique and modern rugs, we provide a suite of comprehensive services that cater to the diverse needs of our customers.

With years of experience in this field, we pride ourselves on offering a holistic customer experience that covers every aspect of rug ownership. From the restoration of time-honoured tapestries to the exchange of opulent Oriental rugs, our team is well-equipped to guide and assist our clients in all their rug-related needs.

Intricately woven into the fabric of our success is the deep-seated desire to fulfil the needs of our patrons. As we relentlessly strive to meet and exceed their expectations, Amir Art Collection has become synonymous with exceptional quality and unparalleled service.

We recognize that owning high-quality carpets requires diligent maintenance and expert repair. Hence, we extend our expertise in these areas to our clients, ensuring that their carpets are always in top-notch condition. Our team of experienced carpet restorers is ever-ready to cater to the bespoke needs of our patrons, irrespective of their requirements.

At Amir Art Collection, we take immense pride in our unwavering commitment to our clients. With us, every step is a journey towards a flawless rug experience.