From a Dream to a Legacy: 50 Years of Rug Perfection at Amir Art Collection



At Amir Art Collection, our journey of discovering, curating, and sharing the world's finest rugs began in 1976. Our passion for exquisite textiles, combined with a deep appreciation for the intricate artistry and history behind each piece, has driven us to seek out the most extraordinary and rare rugs from around the world.

With over 45 years of experience in the rug industry, we have cultivated a reputation as a leading source of luxury carpets, renowned for our impeccable taste and unparalleled expertise. Our gallery is home to an extensive collection of antique and tribal carpets, as well as contemporary pieces, each chosen for its unique beauty, character, and timeless elegance.

At Amir Art Collection, our journey of discovering, curating, and sharing the world's finest rugs began in 1976. Our passion for exquisite textiles, combined with a deep appreciation for the intricate artistry and history behind each piece, has driven us to seek out the most extraordinary and rare rugs from around the world.

With over 45 years of experience in the rug industry, we have cultivated a reputation as a leading source of luxury carpets, renowned for our impeccable taste and unparalleled expertise. Our gallery is home to an extensive collection of antique and tribal carpets, as well as contemporary pieces, each chosen for its unique beauty, character, and timeless elegance.



At Amir Art Collection, we have the utmost respect for the artisans whose expertise and creativity are woven into every rug we curate. We take great care in selecting only the most exceptional weavers, whose mastery of traditional techniques and innovative approach to design create rugs that are truly works of art. With our rigorous standards for weft, knot-density, design, and coloring, each rug in our collection represents the pinnacle of artisanal craftsmanship, a testament to the dedication and skill of the weaver who created it. Our personalized guidance and advice ensure that our clients not only find a beautiful rug but also one that they can be proud to own, with the knowledge that they are supporting the continued legacy of these remarkable artisans.

We take great pride in partnering with skilled artisans in various regions of Italy, renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship. They continuously improve their skills relying on learnings passed down through generations.

This allows us to give you better and more durable products, by accessing expert knowledge and technique.

We build deep-rooted friendships with our artisans and carry out business through transparent and fair means. We are committed to conserving our ‘Made In Italy’ heritage by securing their future.



Whether you are an interior designer, antique collector, or simply someone with a love for beautiful textiles, we invite you to visit our gallery and experience the magic of the world's most remarkable rugs. Let us share our passion and knowledge with you, and help you discover the rug that will bring warmth, elegance, and individuality to your home.

Whether you are an interior designer, antique collector, or simply someone with a love for beautiful textiles, we invite you to visit our gallery and experience the magic of the world's most remarkable rugs. Let us share our passion and knowledge with you, and help you discover the rug that will bring warmth, elegance, and individuality to your home.


Our journey began with Amir's unwavering passion for rugs. From a young age, he was fascinated by the intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and rich textures of textile art. As he grew older, his passion only intensified, and he knew he wanted to dedicate his life to sharing the beauty of rugs with the world.

After completing his studies, Amir embarked on a journey that would take him to every corner of the globe. He sought out the finest examples of textile art, exploring remote villages, bustling marketplaces, and everything in between. He learned from master weavers, studied ancient techniques, and honed his eye for detail. Everywhere he went, he was struck by the incredible variety of styles, materials, and traditions that went into making each rug.

In 1976, Amir opened his first gallery, eager to share his knowledge and experience with the world. It was here that the seeds of our company were sown. Amir's vision was to fuse the exceptional craftsmanship and style of Persian rugs with modern distribution channels, making great products easily available to customers worldwide. He was determined to create something truly unique: a company that would honor the traditions of rug-making while embracing the opportunities of the 21st century.

Over the years, we've grown and evolved, but our core values remain the same. We're Persian at heart, but cosmopolitan in our vision. We believe that every rug tells a story, and that by bringing the world's best rugs to our clients, we're helping to share those stories with the world. We're proud of what we've accomplished, but we know that our journey is far from over. We're excited to continue exploring the world of rugs, discovering new traditions and techniques, and bringing the best of what we find to our customers.

We are focused on bringing the world's greatest rugs to your homes.